
【学校について】【About school】【关于学校】

入学するのに条件はありますか?What are the entry requirements?入学需要什么条件?

本巣校では、12 年以上の学校教育又はそれに準ずる課程を修了している方であること、大垣校では、中等教育修了若しくは修了見込又はそれらに準ずる資格を有する方であることが条件です。
For Motosu, applicants are required to complete twelve years or more of school education or its equivalent courses. For Ogaki, (expected) completion of secondary education or its equivalent qualifications are required.
Also, for both of campuses, financial supporters must have sufficient ability to pay for school fee, and applicants shall be mentally and physically healthy and they must comply with the laws of Japan. They are supposed to be enrolled after screening and examination.

入学にかかる費用はいくらですか?How much does it cost to enroll?入学所需要的费用是多少?

原則として出願時に出願料20,000円をお支払いいただき、学費、寮費等最大で約900,000円が必要となります。In principal, 20,000 JPY of screening fee shall be charged at the time of application. Expenses such as tuition and dormitory fee cost up to about 900,000 JPY.报名时需支付报名费20,000日元,学费、住宿费等大约900,000円。

どのように出願すればいいですか?How should I apply for?怎样报名?

We recommend online reception. ☞Click here
We will contact you after the online reception.

1つのクラスに何人ぐらい学生がいますか?How many students are there in a class?1个班级有多少学生?

1つのクラスは20名までになります。 The capacity of a class is up to 20 students. 1个班级20名学生

どんな国から来ていますか?Where are the students from?都有哪些国家的学生?

アジアの方が多く、10か国くらいから来ています。We have many students from about ten countries mostly in Asia.亚洲国家的学生相对比较多,有10几个国家的学生

学校見学はできますか?Is it possible to join the school tour?能去参观学校吗?

はい、できます。事前にお電話等でご連絡くださいます様お願い致します。Yes, of course. Please contact us by e-mail or phone before you visit.可以的,请事先电话联系

【生活について】【About life】【关于生活】

どんなところに住むことになりますか? What’s the dormitory like?在什么样的地方居住?

After entry to Japan, we recommend you live in the school dormitory until you get used to life in Japan. The dormitory for Motosu is located next to the school, and the dormitory for Ogaki is within a five-minute walk from the school. There are some grocery stores within walking distance, so it is a comfortable environment for international students to live. 入国后习惯日本的生活之前推荐住学校的宿舍。本巢校宿舍在学校旁边,大垣校宿舍离学校徒步5分钟距离。购买生活用品的超市等也能走着去的范围,对于留学生来说生活便捷。

生活費はいくらくらいかかりますか?How much are living expenses?生活费需要多少钱?

学費以外にかかる生活費は個人差がありますが、月80,000円くらいは必要だと思ってください。Living expenses other than school fee may vary, but please consider that it would cost about 80,000JPY per month.学费以外所需的生活费因人而异,大约每月80,000日元左右。

アルバイトはできますか? Can we do a part time job?可以打工吗

入国時に「資格外活動許可」を得たうえでアルバイトをすることができます。なお、仕事の種類には制限があり、原則1週間に28時間までできます。夏休みなどの長期休みに限っては1日8時間までできます。Students can work part time on condition that they obtain “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted”. Please note that types of work are limited and as a general rule they can work within 28 hours per week. They are allowed to work within 8 hours a day only in long holidays like summer break.入国时取得「资格外活动许可」就可以打工。另外工作种类有限制,一星期最多可以打工28小时。暑假等长假时一天能打8个小时。

どんなアルバイトをしていますか?What kind of part-time jobs do students do?从事什么样的工作?

Many students work part-time in places such as factories while they don’t still speak Japanese very well. Some students begin part-time jobs in service industries such as restaurants or convenience stores as their Japanese skills get improved. 日语水平不算太好的学生在工厂打工的多。日语水平相对好一点的学生在饮食店、便利店等服务行业打工的多。

アルバイト給料はいくらくらいですか?How much is the pay for a part-time job?打工时的工资是多少?

According to the description on Ministry of Justice homepage, it ranges from about 80,000 JPY to about 110,000 JPY.
In case that the pay is extremely high, please be careful because it might be illegal or you could get involved in crimes.